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Gold Coast Railroad Museum's "Engineer for a Day" program enables the general public starting at the age of 11 to act as part of the train crew on Museum trains. With 30 minutes or more of fun time (actual throttle time) in one of the Museum's active locomotives. All participates in this program will be under strict supervision of instructions at all times.

The Bronze Spike Package
will provide the following:
* Individual Membership to the
Gold Coast Railroad Museum
* Half hour of locomotive operations
*Package maybe split by two people
The program will be by appointment only and space will be limited to two persons per the Silver Spike package.
Up to two family members and/or friends may observe with a paid admission, however, seating space in the cab is limited subject to museum regulations. For more information or to check availability call the museum at

The Silver Spike package
will provide the following:
*Individual membership to the Gold Coast Railroad Museum
*Instructions that will review all safety procedures and general operations; overview of positions, locomotive characteristics (including engine starting procedures if participants can arrive before opening), signals and GCRM operating rules.
*Pre-start inspection and starting of the locomotive
* Familiarization of the locomotive operations
*Act as Engineer during museum operations
*Shut down procedures
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